Managing neurogenic bladder and incontinence

Managing neurogenic bladder and incontinence
29 February 2024

Managing neurogenic bladder and incontinence

Dealing with a neurogenic bladder can be challenging for physical health and emotional well-being. In this post, we'll explore neurogenic bladder, how it commonly leads to incontinence, and, most importantly, how to manage it effectively.

Whether you're newly diagnosed or have been coping with this condition for a while, we aim to provide practical advice and insights that will help improve your daily life.

From understanding the condition to discovering the best incontinence products and lifestyle tips, we're here to support you every step of the way. Let’s see how you can take control and live comfortably with a neurogenic bladder and incontinence.

What is a neurogenic bladder?

Neurogenic bladder is a condition where nerve damage disrupts the normal functioning of the bladder. This disruption can stem from various neurological conditions, injuries, or diseases that affect the nervous system's ability to communicate effectively with the bladder.

This impairment can be due to spinal cord injuries that sever the nerves, neurological disorders like multiple sclerosis or Parkinson's disease that damage the nervous system, or complications from diabetes.

The extent of nerve damage can vary, meaning some people might have partial nerve damage, leading to a mix of symptoms, while others may have complete nerve damage, resulting in more severe and straightforward symptoms.

What are the symptoms of neurogenic bladder?

  • Urinary incontinence
  • Urinary retention
  • Needing to pee more and more urgently

How to manage neurogenic bladder and incontinence

Neurogenic bladder-related incontinence can feel overwhelming, but understanding your condition is the first step towards managing it better.

Adjust your diet and drinking habits

  • Certain foods and drinks (e.g. coffee, spicy foods, and alcohol) can irritate the bladder, increasing discomfort and urgency.
  • Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables, which are high in water content, can help keep you hydrated without overwhelming your bladder.
  • Monitor your intake and symptoms through a diary to identify triggers.

Bladder training and kegel exercises

Bladder training and pelvic floor exercises help manage neurogenic bladder incontinence. By scheduling regular bathroom trips, you teach your bladder to follow a predictable routine, potentially lessening incontinence episodes. Start with trips every two hours and gradually increase the interval to strengthen bladder control.

Kegel exercises, which involve tightening and releasing the muscles that control urination, also significantly improve bladder stability. Regularly performing Kegels strengthens the pelvic floor, improving bladder management.

Incontinence products (pull-up pants and pads)

Incontinence products can also help you feel more comfortable and confident. There are many kinds to choose from, such as thin incontinence pads that catch leaks and special protective underwear that keeps you dry. These products are made to be discreet, so you can wear them without anyone knowing.

Think about what you do every day and how much protection you need to choose the right product. Whether it's pads that fit into your underwear or protective underwear that feels like regular ones, there's something for everyone.

Also, look for products made from materials that let your skin breathe to avoid irritation. Finding the perfect fit might take some time, but the right product will allow you to live without worrying about leaks.

Manage incontinence confidently with Incontinence Shop

If you're struggling with urinary incontinence related to neurogenic bladder, and are looking for cost-effective solutions that improve your comfort and dignity, then look no further than Drylife pads from Incontinence Shop.

Our incontinence pads and pants offer reliable protection that minimises discomfort and maximises discretion.

And for prices lower than supermarket costs, Incontinence Shop is your best choice. What's more, if you subscribe to your incontinence product of choice, you can enjoy 10% off every order and convenient doorstep delivery.