Understanding Adult Bed Wetting and How to Deal With It

Understanding Adult Bed Wetting and How to Deal With It
5 April 2023

Understanding Adult Bed Wetting and How to Deal With It

Adult bed wetting can be an embarrassing and distressing experience, causing those living with it to feel ashamed and alone. And the issue is more common than people realise, with Bladder and Bowel UK suggesting that 1 in 100 adults live with bedwetting. 

While there are many causes of adult bed wetting, it's important to note that it can often be treated or dealt with without medical intervention. In this blog post, we'll explore the causes of adult bed wetting and treatment options.

What is bed wetting in adults?

Bed wetting in adults is the involuntary release of urine during sleep. It is a common issue that can affect people of any age or gender and can often be a sign of an underlying medical condition.

What causes adult bedwetting?

Adult bedwetting can be caused by a variety of factors, including

  • Urinary tract infections
  • Bladder stones
  • Neurological conditions (e.g. Parkinson’s disease, MS, etc.)
  • Sleep apnea

Certain medications and lifestyle factors, such as alcohol and caffeine consumption, can also contribute to adult bedwetting.

What are the treatment options for adult bed wetting?

There are several treatment options for adult bed wetting, including medication, bladder training, and lifestyle changes. It's important to speak with a healthcare provider to determine the best treatment plan for your specific needs.


There are medications such as Tolterodine and Fesoterodine that help regulate adult bedwetting by addressing contractions, reducing the amount of urine produced, or increasing the volume of urine the bladder can hold.

However, it's important to note that medication may not be suitable for everyone, as it can have side effects and may not address the underlying cause of the bedwetting in adults.

Bladder training

Bladder training is a non-invasive treatment option that can help individuals with adult bedwetting.  It involves various techniques and strategies aimed at improving bladder capacity and control, reducing the frequency and urgency of urination during the night, and enhancing overall bladder function. 

Timed Voiding

One of the main techniques used in bladder training is timed voiding. This involves creating a structured schedule for bathroom visits and helps to train the bladder to hold more urine and increase the time between voiding.

Pelvic Floor Exercises

Another technique used in bladder training for adult bedwetting is pelvic floor exercises. Also known as Kegel exercises, they are designed to strengthen the muscles that control the bladder and can help to reduce urinary incontinence. Pelvic floor exercises involve contracting and relaxing the pelvic floor muscles, the muscles that support the bladder and help to control urination.

Fluid Management

Another strategy known as fluid management involves adjusting the amount and timing of fluid a person takes in, therefore reducing the amount of urine produced by the bladder. This can be particularly helpful for those who experience bladder leakage or urge incontinence that leads to adult bedwetting. Limiting fluid intake and avoiding caffeinated, alcoholic, and carbonated drinks can reduce the amount of urine their bladder produces, lessening the urgency to urinate.

Double Voiding

Yet another bladder training strategy to help with adult bedwetting is known as ‘double voiding’. This is especially helpful for those who have difficulty emptying their bladder completely or find that they have frequent trips to the bathroom. This involves emptying the bladder again a few minutes after the first void. This allows the individual’s bladder to release any remaining urine and reduce the need to go to the bathroom soon after as well as any occurrences of adult bedwetting at night. 

Overall, bladder training is a highly effective technique that can help people regain control of their bladder and reduce the frequency and severity of adult bedwetting. By combining strategies like fluid management and double voiding with exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, individuals can improve their bladder control and enjoy a better night’s sleep free from bedwetting. 

Lifestyle Changes

In addition to medication and bladder training, lifestyle changes can also be beneficial in managing adult bedwetting. 

1. Maintain a healthy weight

Being overweight can put added pressure on the bladder and weaken pelvic floor muscles, only serving to worsen adult bedwetting. Losing weight through a balanced diet and regular exercise can help alleviate symptoms of incontinence. 

2. Stay hydrated

Drinking enough water can help prevent urinary tract infections (UTIs) and reduce the risk of incontinence causes like constipation. 

3. Quit smoking

Smoking can irritate the bladder, so by reducing or quitting smoking entirely, you can improve bladder health and reduce the risk or frequency of incontinence at night. 

4. Wear absorbent products 

If you want to ensure you have the most protection from leaks and for peace of mind throughout the night, incontinence products like waterproof bed pads and insert pads can go a long way to ensuring you have a leak-free night’s sleep. 

Manage Adult Bed Wetting with Incontinence Shop

For a wide range of high-quality incontinence pads, pants, and washables, head over to the Incontinence Shop today, and save 10% on your favourite brands like Tena and Molicare when you subscribe!